Friday Budget stuff

I did apply for unemployment from my ‘dismissal ‘ at work. My daughter doesn’t think i’ll get it as I was extra help. Probably not but even a little would help.

I’m redoing our budget as I won’t be bringing in my little checks. They do amount to just under $400 a month , so I need to find that in the budget somewhere. Probably household where Home depot tends to suck money right out. Mostly its summer  stuff and then fall projects. Everything else is set. Water varies and is higher in summer, but cell phone, electric etc are pretty much set amounts.  Im still working on our big fail bills in one savings account, and after this next pay period I should have that done.

Then,I think I want to focus on adding an extra amount on B’s car. He gets a car allowance which we absolutely need, and it pays the car payment and gas. But if we could knock that out in 2 years we would be in better shape , as he’d still get the allowance but we could just save that money.

Food is always variable. I spend too much I think,but it doesn’t seem like a lot goes to waste. So, if I stick to menu planning groceries could go down by maybe a $100.

We did get slammed with the copay on my bone marrow biopsy. I should really complain. No one ever said it’d be 20% ,do thats actually a pretty big bill since the procedure was (get this , and don’t be shocked)..over $10,000. yes, folks, over 10 grand for one procedure. I will not do that again. I’ll suffer through in the doctors office and take atavain.  So I have at least 3 months more of payments on that.

Well, I’m off. Blood test today, so results next week. I can’t say I feel any different, so I’m not sure how my kappa light chains are. But we’ll know next week.

Then my daughter wants to pop in to Kmart or Target for something.

Dinner is tacos.

One thought on “Friday Budget stuff

  1. The only way I have been able to cut grocery costs is to stock up when things are on sale. So if pork chops are on sale this week I buy as much as I can afford….usually 4-5 pkgs. Spaghetti sauce was on sale 10 for $10 with 11th free this week. Bought 11 jars and saved about 50% on them. Once you start getting a stockpile you start to see the savings. Right now I have tilapia, pork roast, boneless skinless chicken thighs, ground beef and italian sausage bought in mutiples in my freezer. So I use what I have on hand to plan menus. Then I fill out the shopping list around that. If pork chops are on sale this week they will show up on the menu over the next month.
    Good luck….hope you get improvement in your test results.

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