Frugal Friday on Saturday

I drove home yesterday after my daughter drove up to Tahoe in the Santa Fe. Traffic flowed along and the usual construction stops were non-existent which was great. Unfortunately, the camp host wouldn’t just let her drive in without paying the $10 extra car fee, so for 15 minutes we had to pay 10 bucks. I was definitely pissed.

It was windy up there when I left and it was windy here at home too. But it was much cooler overall. I was really tired for some reason, so I took a nap, a shower and read some. The beach was overrun with people and I definitely will not go back next year at this time. It may have been somewhat circumstantial due to it being so hot but still.

The new shower head is very nice but it seemed to take an awful long time for the hot water to come out. I’m going to turn it on again this morning and time it. B and my son are planning on moving the electrical outlet and putting up the lights tomorrow. B ordered the grab bars so we will the helper to drill those in place. We don’t have a tile drill so that needs to be done. Then finally the flooring and paint. I think I’m going to look at paint on line this morning and see if I can find a soft gray color.

Since we were camping all week there was little spending except for basics. We treated ourselves to a lunch pizza and that was fun.

I need to peruse the freezer and fridge to gleam what menu I can do for the week and write a list. I know I need salad stuff and some veggies. I haven’t been very food focused lately since my norovirus hit. Plus the weather being so hot, it’s hard to cook. This week is much cooler so maybe I’ll be more creative.

My LLS ended so I have to wait now for funding for Myeloma to open. Last year it took 2 months so I’m expecting it to be at least that long. We would definitely be short of money monthly without my grant covering Medicare and UHC. It’s a huge gift that this organization provides for thousands of people like me. Back when I was first diagnosed(2005) LLS didn’t exist so all my co pays and extras put us in huge debt at the time. So for now, LLS is a real blessing.

I’m planning on doing some tidying this morning before B and S get home probably 2 ish. I also need to do the camp laundry.

Thankful Thursday and Frugal Friday wrapped up together.

I’m thankful we had an uneventful drive to Tahoe. Eastbound traffic for Memorial Day was horrendous. The only real traffic was through Incline and Sand Harbor which had the roads line with stupid people people trying to get to SandHarbor because the parking lot was full.

I’m thankful the camp hosts were so friendly and we were able to check in early at 1pm. Our spot was so nice.

I’m thankful the drive home was safe too and very little traffic.

We walked every day and and I averaged 2 miles but my knee did start to hurt yesterday so I will back off for a few days. We don’t have bikes anymore and I started thinking maybe we should get some again. There are lots of trails in Tahoe and bike paths.

Frugal-wise camping fees were half because we have the lifetime senior pass. Our only expenses were gas to Tahoe and some camp groceries. So overall, it was a pretty cheap getaway. And we’re back the week after this on the 10th.

Today is Friday and I have my labs, but won’t swim partly because I want to do some home stuff and partly because the pool has been closed all week so it’s going to be busy, I’m sure.

We kept camp food basic and didn’t do any Lodge meals or anything fancy. Tonight, I plan on using the Webber and cooking some chicken. I will make a macaroni salad or Greek pasta salad to go with it. I have some veggie burgers for B.

We have quite a few loads of laundry to do but since it’s so warm out I’ll hang dry them and then do an air fluff in the dryer.


Friday things

Frugal-wise all pretty good. After infusion yesterday, I went to the nearby Noah’s Bagels and bought 6 plus a schmear. Most mornings we like a bagel but it’s usually Costco’s or Trader Joe’s. This was a nice treat.

I went to Trader Joe’s and spent close to $200. There was a case of wine in there and the rest was food. That’s a lot of meals. Since we’ll be gone next week there won’t be any shopping except at the Safeway in Tahoe in case we need something. I do need to buy coffee at Starbucks because I’m not going to go in to Costco before Memorial Day. Our new Costco just opened yesterday and I’m sure it was a mad house. We will be going to this new one from now on as it is closer to us so that’ll be nice.

My daughter asked for a Nutribullet for her birthday and Costo had the Ultra one on sale. She likes to do smoothies and this one does ice and veggies. We have a Vitamix but sometimes it’s just too bulky to get out. I don’t keep things like that on our counter so it’s in one of my Heywoods. On our counters I only keep the toaster oven, my kitchen aid mixer and, the Brita water pitcher. Maybe I’ll see if my son wants it for his new apartment.

I was planning on swimming this morning as it’s my first time off Dex(whoo hoo) after Velcade, but since I’ve been out 3 days in a row, I think I’ll skip it. That does mean no swimming till after we’re back so that’ll end up over a week. Sometimes, you just have to call it. I did go to the gym and library after Velcade so that took some time. I only did a 20 minute weight workout but that was good enough.

In Tahoe, we’ll go to the gym once and do at least that workout plus we walk a lot when we’re there.

Last night I BBQed that trip tip and it was good. We’re not big meat eaters but this was a nice small piece and the flavor was good. B had roasted veggies, beans, tofu and, coleslaw. Tonight is a pizza night, no take out just a Trader Joe’s dough and I’ll do some toppings.

Overall, not a spendy week and next week will also be low spend in Tahoe.

So far this morning I feel good and my blood pressure is good too. I just hope being off dex doesn’t negatively impact my numbers but for now, hurray for not feeling crazy this morning. Since I’m home this morning, I will do some tidying up and I need to dust. The pine pollen is everywhere! I’m not planning on any bread making or batch cooking. Just using up what we’ve got.

Frugal Friday

This week was fairly low spend. We did go to Paris Bakery one morning down in Roseville. It has delicious croissants and other baked goods. Also beautiful cakes. So that ended up $30 because we had fancy coffees which we almost never do and I brought home a pastry for my daughter to enjoy.

I did fill up the Santa Fe on Monday at Costco gas. That is the lowest price anywhere.

I popped into Winco and got a few groceries and some wine. Winco’s wine prices are the best around too. I like the Bogle chardonnay and Smoking Loon unoaked chardonnay. I think my total for wine and food was $57.

I think we’ll need to go to Costco next week as it’s time for more coffee. I plan on keeping that shop low spend as I don’t need a lot and I’m still working on eating down the freezers. With my son moving out food costs should go down although he will still be coming up here 2 days a week to work remotely and go into the office. So he’ll eat here when he’s here.

I’ve worked up the budget for June although I didn’t add in travel $. We’ll be in Tahoe twice. The end of May and mid June so I need to allow for gas and some food things. We generally don’t eat out in Tahoe because of the expense and we haven’t found a super great pizza place or Mexican. We do love Sprouts for sandwiches though. It used to be one of B’s accounts up there and has been around a long time. Great organic food. The Safeway is just up the road from the campground so we usually go there.

Tonight we’re going to do take out pizza so that’s pricey but we’ll only get 1 large as my son is still moving stuff to Sacramento and is down there tonight.

In other news, Dr. Laptalo said to drop the dex completely and let’s see what happens. I totally agreed. Of course, if my numbers go up substantially because dex helps boost the chemo then I’ll just have to consider the options. So I have 2 chemos scheduled before I see him again so that should give us a more accurate picture. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Today was a no walk day, a no gym day and, a no swim day. So I want to go over to the pet bookstore and look for a few books. They’ve moved so it’s in a less convenient location than it was before. Speaking of walking, we haven’t had for months now, other people coming early to walk and then pow, yesterday we had 3 other people and OMG, AH showed up. It has been almost a year since he was there. I just about fell over. If you’re new to this blog and wonder what AH stands for, use your imagination. One thing though, he hadn’t gotten out of his car yet and previously he’d jump out and drag the dog out. So we wondered if the dog had died or was just too old now. I guess we’ll know next time we see him. Weird though.

Frugal Friday

It was a good week overall. We did the extra Costco trip for the tent for camping and the rest of the stuff on sale. Vitamins were on the list, laundry soap, Kerrygold butter, and misc. I think food came out to $200 and nonfood to $100. So not too bad really. I wanted to go to Trader Joe’s but it just didn’t work out time-wise. Probably next week or the week after I’ll add in a TJ’s trip.

My new Levi’s showed up and I like the lighter blue color. My oldest pair are now pretty ripped in the knee area but I’ll still keep them and maybe turn them into shorts.

We’ve been buying the stuff for the bathroom remodel but that’s separate from other bills. We plan on white subway tiles with a grey grout and the floor a waterproof vinyl. I wanted the small black and white octagons for the floor but after looking at them I decided that wasn’t quite what I wanted. We found some nice looking vinyl that looks like slate. Sunday we plan on going to Ikea for the bathroom vanity and medicine cabinet. It’ll all take some time but we’ll get there.

Tonight is a homemade pizza so not takeout. I’m trying to think if we had anything out and I don’t think so. Usually after swimming it’s too early to get something for lunch. Our favorite Mexican place doesn’t open till 11 am so I’m usually home way before that.

Next week is my colonoscopy so we might do lunch out earlier in the week. I’ll be glad when this is over.

I’m hoping to swim at least once next week before the procedure and also go to the gym once. We’ll see how it all goes.

My kappa light chains went up just a tiny bit(19.5) so a smidgen above high normal(19.4), so nothing to worry about. My next infusion isn’t until the end of May and I see my doctor before that so I can discuss lowering the dex again.

Frugal Friday

Since this was the first week of my May Budget we didn’t spend much. Costco we were able to use our rebate of $117 so that helped. The total was $345. So the breakdown was $190 for food, $109 non food, and $46 for alcohol which was B’s Sierra Pale Ale at $30 which comes out of his personal money, and $16 for 2 rose Proseccos. this was all paid with cash from my envelopes.

It was a lot of food and much of it will last more than 2 weeks.

We filled up with Costco gas which is the cheapest around. I’m trying to keep the tank at least half full.

After infusion yesterday, I added in the trip to the library to get my holds. I had 8. I was thrilled to see a brand new copy of Hannah Kristen’s The Women. I’m excited to start that. I thought of going into the gym but felt after infusion, to skip it. Just for reference, the gym is right next to the library.

We bought some tacos on the way back from Costco so we didn’t come home starving. I think that was $21. but I had 2 things, B had 2 things and a milkshake and I brought home a burrito for my daughter. Other than that no eating out. I did meet up for a coffee at our local cafe with my library buddies though.

Today is dex day so a home day for me. I don’t walk on Dex mornings as my BP is up and my breathing is affected( sort of shortness of breath). I have the sourdough boule in the oven already and plan to make a chicken salad with cranberries and pecans later.

Last night I made a brinner of scrambled eggs with Bourison, fried potatoes with mushrooms topped with cheese, buttermilk biscuits, and strawberries on the side.

It’s cloudy today and we might have a few sprinkles.

We finished Season 10 of Doc Martin( the final one). It was ok. Nothing too new but fun to see Portwenn. We’re still working on Lynley which I do like.

I did buy a new swimcap from Amazon. My old one was from when we went to Florida for UNFI’s awards and there was a saltwater pool that I swam in. So that’s 2016 I think. Actually, it may be older but I can’t place it. I won’t be back in the water till next week because tomorrow is still a no-drive day.

Budget wise all the bills are accounted for in May. Once my LLS comes in I’ll make another cc payment to get the Allstate insurance paid off. My award ends in June so I hope there is funding available. Last time it took almost 3 months.

I go for my labs on Monday so I do plan on driving down to Maheny (gym) after that. The pool is too close as it closes for laps at 9:25.

Frugal Friday

Overall, a frugal week with just the basics being bought. I didn’t go to the store after shopping last Sunday at Holiday Market. I think I spent $80 including wine, lunch stuff and to use the 2 coupons for free stuff for April. The coupons were for a salad pack and olive oil. B went to Safeway the other day for milk and cream.

Today after the gym, I was going to go to Taco Tree but decided to just come home and have leftover lasagna.

All our meals were used and tonight is homemade pizza ( I think). I’ll get it ready( defrosting the pizza dough) but I might change the plan to something lighter.

I’ve got May’s budget almost done. I just need to tweak a few things. Rubi’s insurance is due in May so I need to put that in. I didn’t have that figured into my cash envelopes so I’ll add one for that for next year.

In May we only have 1 camping trip to Tahoe and that’s at the end of the month. We’re still planning on going ahead with the bathroom so that will have to be accounted for. We’re starting with a new window and then we’ll go to the one wall that needs to be opened up for a plumber to do piping. Of course, that means the claw foot tub will need to come out. When that happens, we’ll have to be using the RV shower. I imagine the whole thing is going to take longer than we think especially since B will be doing most of it.

This weekend is open and I won’t go to the pool tomorrow. I’d like to go to the nursery if anything, to get some plants.

The cherry tree has really exploded into bloom!! the bees are loving it and the whole thing is humming.

Frugal Friday and it looks like it’ll be a snow day!!

I was planning on going down to the pool but right now at 7;06 it’s snowing. I usually leave till 8 so I’ll wait and see how it is. Of course, in Roseville, it’s always different. But it’s the crazies up here that don’t know how to drive in snow. So I may just skip it. I had a good workout at the gym yesterday and then picked up 14 books to read/take with me to Capitola.

Frugal wise, I didn’t stop and get a coffee after the gym and came home and had some with a piece toast.

B only spent $100 for the Costco stock up which was mostly because we forgot dishwasher pods last time. He also picked up 2 cases of water for the truck( traveling and camping).

I had gone to WinCo on Monday after my swim. That ended up @$100 as well, I think.

We had our coffee date and that was $17. And our pizza lunch was $27.

The only extra thing we need for camping is the bag of Starbucks coffee that we always get ground so we can just use as needed. Since Capitola does not have hook ups( where our spot is), we don’t want to rely on grinding coffee.

I’m also not planning on bringing lots of food, just basics. The rest we’ll get at TJ’s in Santa Cruz or Nob Hill. I’m sure we’ll go to Gayles a few times too. Their take out food is expensive so it may only be a croissant or something like that. They do have great premade sandwiches so we’ll probably do that once.

Update: 7:36 a.m , still snowing, so I guess I’m not heading to the pool.

Tonight is a freezer meal night. Probably the Costco pizza and salad.

Overall, I’m pleased with the finances this week.

Friday things

Yesterday ended up not so good with my blood pressure really spiking. I didn’t feel great but knew it was dex. I did take an extra lisinopril and within the hour it dropped to almost normal. And I felt better too. This morning it was 127/ 90 and that was without any lisinoprol so all good. It was a tough day though.

Today my face is red still but that’s all except maybe a little jittery from dex.

It’s cloudy and grey again which is also a little depressing after a while. But next week looks sunny and we have a few outings planned.

Frugal-wise, Costco went well and came in at $279. But $79 was nonfood like toothpaste and toilet paper and B bought his Sierra Pale ale and 2 bottles of Napa wines. So just groceries came in at @ $150. not too bad. My trip to Trader Joe’s came in at $100. Honestly, without Costco, TJ’s and, Winco we’d be screwed at other stores. I haven’t shopped in Safeway in ages. Today though I’m going down to our Holiday market for some buttermilk, cream, Earth Balance and maybe some deli ham. The store’s free coupon this month is some kind of burger so I don’t want to miss the freebie unless it’s all sold out.

Sunday is Easter but since we don’t celebrate, it’ll just be a normal do what ever day. I plan to go to the gym. I also plan on making Southern Fried Tofu and potato salad.

Frugal wins; we didn’t go out for coffee after my appt.

No extra spending on things

Our electric bill came in lower although still high in general. PGE’s rates are really crazy here in California.

No eating out this week.

Frugal Friday

It was a spendy week at Napa, but I don’t count that as our normal spending but more in travel/camping. Still, groceries were expensive in Napa, more than here and it was noticeable. I can see why Trader Joe’s was so busy. Raley’s was ridiculously costly. For example, we usually buy a piece of cake or something for dessert, and the cake we normally get ( 1 slice of tiramisu) was 11.99 whereas here it is 6.99. I didn’t notice the price till I putting away the groceries and was slightly shocked:(

We ate out twice and got Model’s Bakery twice. Model’s was only $15, so not bad for 2 coffees and 2 pastries.

In planning for our next trip which will be Capitola in April, I’ll have more cash for things than I did for this trip. We don’t go out to eat in Capitola but do go to Gayles for things. Plus we do hit up the grocery store at least once. It’s easier for me to get some groceries when we get to our camping destination than to load everything into the RV.

We’re still trying to get September booked for Tahoe, but B slept in this morning and spaced it out. I’m almost maxed out on reservation dates( you only get 14 days a year), so I didn’t do it even though I was up. Oh well, we’ll get something eventually.

I don’t plan on going to the store until next week unless I need some salad stuff. Next week we do need to go to Costco since the sale stuff comes off the following Sunday. I need toothpaste and some other things on sale, mostly non food items.

Today, I’m planning on swimming and then picking up my holds at the library. After that, just home and doing some house tidying. Everything is pretty well done but I want to tidy a few areas.