Simple Sunday

Another week has gone by and it was an ok one with Vecade and Dex. I had a hard time again with Dex and my BP so when I see the Dr in May, I’ll tell him and ask that we reduce it further. Right now I’m on 16 mg down from 20mg but it’s still too much I think for me. My BP was high all day and then started going back down by afternoon and by 5 pm was 120/82 so back in a good range.

This morning we had our Sunday walk and it’s very light out now at 5;50 am. It was only us and the geese.

There are lots of babies!

Today, I’m skipping the Auburn gym and going to the nursery with my daughter. We need to get the tomato starts and some other things as well. We always enjoy going and looking at the flowers and everything. I plan on going down to Maheny tomorrow so I’m ok skipping today.

I have my labs at 8 am and then I’ll drive down and do a workout and drop off a couple of the books I read. The Hannah Kristen, “The Women” is a phenomenal book about the nurses in VietNam. She obviously did an amazing amount of research. I’m not sure I like how she developed the character after she returns from VN. It seems to me she could have taken the character in a different direction. I don’t want to spoil it in case you haven’t read it, but if you’ve read it, what do you think?

This week is not too busy which I always appreciate. I plan on going to the pool 2x and then maybe one other gym day. Next week is the dreaded colonoscopy so the week will be different.

Menu wise, I’m still working on it. I’m going to make some polenta for tonight to have with black beans and salad. The rest of the week, I’ll need to plan. I do have some zucchini to use so maybe a ratatouile over rice.

The Flylady zone is the living room and entry ways. My daughter recently redid the one entry with new plants and tidied it up so I won’t need to do that. I have the red geraniums from Costco I can plant in some pots to put by the other door.

I can’t believe May starts this week. May is one of my favorite months as my daughter was born and what a gift she was/is to us. I think I’ve mentioned this before but we had been married 15 years before we had her and used a fertility drug to stimulate an ovulation. It worked like a charm so to speak and we were pregnant. Wonderful memories and I loved being pregnant. She’ll be 39 in May. Where does the time go?