Velcade, Round 6, shot #3.

Done!! 6 months of Velcade. 3 weeks on one week off.

I get labs Friday and then see Dr. L next week. Where it goes, who knows.

Tonight I have leftover vegetarian chili and IP polenta.

Tomorrow is Dex Thursday and I don’t walk. I’ll tidy the house and continue to do this next layer of decluttering. This round is sponsored by Ann Patchett whose New Yorker article really hit home. I’m getting rid of all my Fiesta Ware except the red. I like the red and we use it at Christmas and Valentines day. I plan on giving it all to Cancer Thrift Store not Goodwill. I just feel better giving it to them as the money stays local. Anyway, it’s a lot. The other thing is all my kids Waldorf toys( ok, not all of them:), but quite a bit. If they don’t sell on our local facebook they will go too. We have the Live oak Waldorf school here in Applegate( about 3 miles away). So far no one is interested. It’s interesting to go to another level when I’ve decluttered so much and so much was valuable. navajo rugs, vintage fans, dishes, books etc, antique silver( yes, silver).

But this is what I want:

I want our small home to be a true reflection of minimalism and where we are at this point in our life. Even though what I’m getting rid of was only on 3 different shelves,that’s 3 too many. I’m not interested in making a buck off Fiesta Ware. So what?? It’s nice but that’s it.

What about you??? Are you deciding who you are in your life right now?? And what you have reflects that.!!!

5 thoughts on “Velcade, Round 6, shot #3.

  1. Sounds like you have a lovely home. Simple is wonderful!
    What issue was Ann patchett’s article in? I can’t find it in any recent mags we have

  2. Hope you have good results – will be thinking of you- I hated that moment walking in to the doctors office not knowing which way the treatment had gone.
    Can’t get to the article by Ann Patchett unless I sign up to the New York Times! must have been interesting and a catalyst for you to begin your mammoth declutter. I have more than a few boxes in our loft of collectables from my mum and MIL and I must do something with them all – I have no idea what is valuable or not in money terms but a lot is sentimental or retro/vintage which I have a weakness for. I am inspired by your ruthlessness – I need some of that!

      • Because of my poor internet connection here I had to attempt trying to find the article 3 times and then it told me I had reached the end of my free viewing and would need to subsribe! I never got to read it because of all the ‘pop ups’ LOL – tried to copy it down to word to read later but not sure if the article I got is the one you refer to.

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