Friday things

Overall, it was a low-spend week. Yesterday, I went into Target( the first time in quite a while) as I was looking for extra lights. They had zip. All sold out. I did pick up a few ugly ornaments to add to the ugly ornament tree. I picked up a few kitchen items to give as a Christmas gift for my son’s friend. They like to cook so I thought a few kitchen items would be nice.

Then, before I met my friends for coffee, I went into Safeway as I needed a couple more russets for the latkes. Also, I wanted to get our garbage guy a bottle of wine to add to his gift bag. We don’t do many gifts but I feel he works all year in rain, snow, etc, and deserves a little appreciation. Other than that, Christmas is done.

Today, I’m making a big batch of pizza dough to freeze and then use one for dinner tonight. The recipe I have makes 4 balls of dough and it’s been working out well this way.

I’ll be continuing the low spend into next week too and just do the one Winco shop for the Christmas lasagna ingredients. I’ve stayed off Amazon and that’s saying something!!!

I certainly am feeling better each day but next week starts Cycle 3. The great news is though, my numbers just hit normal. 19.0 . High normal is 19.4. My ratio between kappa and lambda is still a little high but that will eventually drop. In spite of some aspects being harder than I thought it would be( or maybe I just forgot from last time), it’s worth it if Velcade/Dex is doing the work.

Today, we’re going to go out for a while and maybe get lunch out. We’ll see:)

Thankful Thursday

This June has had exceptional weather. Not too hot at all. We can definitely have 100-degree weather by now so this has been so nice.

I was able to can 18 half pints of strawberry jam. I found a deal at Winco for .98 a pack so I got 7 packs.

I am so grateful that I was approved for LLS and my insurance reimbursements are being processed.

I’m also so grateful my Kappa light chains only went up 1 point, and that gives me another months reprieve.

Always, the pool and rec center to do weights. The pool was nice the other day but it was colder than the indoor pool. I really didn’t warm up. I did get a lane though so that was nice. Lap swimming is only from 5:30 to 7:45 so it’s not a lot of time. But then it opens at 12:45 – 3pm but I don’t drive to Roseville that late. Plus it would be in full sun and I don’t do that either.

Flowers in the yard…