End of a year…

2023 is almost over.

Overall, I think we had a good year.

We had lots of RV adventures in Rubi and even went to The Westin in Napa(points used) for an overnight.

Everyone’s health is good and except for my knee still acting up and being on Velcade this fall, I think my health is good. This week is my last weekly shot of Velcade/Dex so I will be ready for a break. I’m not anemic or having any serious issues with Velcade just the normal stuff that’s to be expected. Still, I will be glad to switch to the monthly.

I did a lot of pressure canning and water bath canning this spring, summer, and fall. At this point, I’d say I’ve used maybe 1/3 of my pantry. I’ve learned a lot about food storage and it’s been fun. The all-American canner is a dream to work with. But as I get older, I may switch to the electric canner because the all-American is super heavy and difficult to move around. The electric one does have limits to how many you can do but that wouldn’t be a problem for me as I’m trying to can for a family with kids.

We were fortunate not to have to have any trees taken down this year but if we can afford it next year we should move ahead and do at least one. By my last count, we have about 10 more trees that should come down. But that’s A LOT of money we do not have.

We had a great garden this year too thanks to my daughter. I’m hoping next year is good too. Probably lots of tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, etc. Of course, crops should be rotated so that might affect where things go and how much we can plant.

The library has been wonderful and after reading over 100 books, I stopped counting because …why? Also, having the gym and library next to each other is awesome.

We do live a simple life.