Simple Sunday

It’s Christmas Eve day. We had a nice predawn walk. The sky was quite lovely.

I had a nice swim yesterday and by the time I was leaving it getting crazy busy?? Why?? Anyway, I got there right at 7am and had a lane to myself the whole time. That was nice. Traffic wasn’t too bad on I-80.

I’m not going to the gym this morning even though it’s probably empty but I just don’t feel like it.

Today I’m making the zucchini lasagna and I guess we’ll see how that comes out. Since S is trying a gluten-free diet, I’m trying to do alternative things. So far, it’s not too hard to swap stuff out. The rest of us will have the regular lasagna and the cheese manicotti.

I’ve done a little decluttering before the new year starts. I had a pair of Merrell slip-ons that I loved when I first got them but now every time I wear them my feet don’t like them. Then the only other shoes I have besides my Birkenstocks and Hokas are a pair of Noat shoes that are black slip-ons. I bought them back in 2016 for an event that needed something dressier than Birkies. I’ve only worn them a few times and when I put them on they throw my back off so off they went to Goodwill. There were a few other random things as well. I certainly get ‘clutter blindness’ and just don’t see things that are sometimes just sitting there in plain sight. 😦

Christmas Eve dinner traditionally for us is fondue. So I’m heading down to the Holiday to pick the veggies for that, a baguette, and some other condiment things for a salad tomorrow.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone!!!

I may post tomorrow about ending the year but I’ll see how I feel then.

2 thoughts on “Simple Sunday

  1. It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve been on line to properly read blogs.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!
    I am glad you are here and part of my life.

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