Simple Sunday

We had a nice walk in the park. We were the only ones there again so quite nice. It was already 70 at 6am so it’s going to be another hot one.

We went down to see my son’s apartment and it’s very nice and fits the 2 of them well. Nice layout and all the used furniture he bought before had fits it well. We stopped at TJ’s to buy some flowers and prosecco and a few goodies. He had Noah’s bagels ready so that was sweet. He’s a thoughtful young man.

We are home now and I just started the pressure canner to make chicken broth. It’ll take about 75 minutes. This week I plan on pressure canning the white beans too.

I’m coming down off of Dex so feeling tired. But overall, I’m pleased with how it went. Of course, the true test will be my counts but I do feel these labs won’t really reflect it since it’s so close to when I took it but we’ll see.

The traffic coming down from Tahoe was horrendous. All I can say to Bay area, Sacramento, and Valley People is STAY HOME. Don’t clog up Tahoe simply because you want to dip in the lake. The roads are clogged, too many people on and on…

The infrastructure and really the lake itself can not handle so many people and cars. Be considerate. Just my 2 cents.

I finished the new Chris Bohjalian book, it was a very interesting read and I enjoyed it. His books are generally dark but complex characters.

My son is planning on coming up in the next few days to help clear out the studio. His mattress needs to go to the dump and the bed frame dismantled. Then we can paint and freshen it up. I’ll still get a bed for out there so if he and Alia come to stay they can use the studio. When I had the Norovirus it was very pleasant to be in and it stayed remarkably cool. this Tuff Shed has had a lot on incarnations. We put it up 2000 as our home school room. I lazzured ( a type of Waldorf painting using a watercolor base and it’s brushed on using two brushes)all the walls rainbow colors. In Waldorf school each grade has a color starting in kindergarten with peachy orange, then yellows, greens and finally eighth grade violets and purples.

Dinner is unknown as it’s hot so maybe another cold dinner??

More caulking done in the bathroom and the lights are up. Yay!!

Simple Sunday

We started to go walk in the park when the rain came in so we turned around and came home. I actually like walking in the rain but not pouring rain and we didn’t have on any rain gear. We still have our Frogg Toggs but haven’t used them in ages. Oh well, I’m planning on the Auburn gym this morning so I’ll add some treadmill if my knee is up to it.

Today, I need to do my PT exercises, go to the gym and make a menu for the week. Yesterday I pressured canned chicken broth and got 6 pint jars. I had soaked some Rancho Gordo cranberry beans and then put them in the crock pot. I used the recipe from his book( “Vegetarian Cooking)for Pasta Fagioli, and it came out very good. There’s plenty left over for lunch today.

Tenative menu:

cheesy potatoes and chicken or Quorn Chicken and salad

quiche with Bourison cheese with salad

Soup night of some sort maybe french onion

freezer meal, I have a rice and turkey one that needs to be used

Pasta of some sort with my canned tomato sauce

chicken pot pie( that’s what I’m planning for tonight)

Mex night, either bean tacos or ?

Flylady zone is the Living Room and all I need to do is dust some and vacuum. I’ll probably also tidy my office some too.

We just got a notice from UHC, which is our supplemental health plan, and it will increase 11.7 %. That’s quite the increase, but honestly, what choice do you have? That’s almost a $400 increase for the year. Geez, everything is crazy expensive and living on a fixed income with no other sources of income, does make it tough. I guess all we can do is see where else we can cut some budget items. April will be expensive with Allstate due and property taxes. We also have the Santa Fe to smog and do registration. Although I didn’t get my envelopes fully funded, there’s some in each one and that will help. My goal is by next year to have these fully funded. Even if I only get half that will be a good amount so I’ll keep going. I really like the envelope system and it definitely is working for us.

Some spring flowers and a sleeping kitty. That’s Cherry!

We all decided we need to order lots more daffodils and different varieties for this fall. I especially like the ones that are ruffled. The yard looks very pretty with them in different places.