Simple Sunday

Today is our town’s annual Pioneer Day. There’s a parade and lots of booths in the park. We live in town so we always walked down with the kids when they were young. Back then the firetrucks threw candy to the kids. They don’t do that anymore. It should be a nice day for everyone, not too hot.

Our heat wave starts Tuesday with temperatures about 100. Yikes. All our window coolers are in so we should be good to go.

Friday, my labs were canceled by Quest due to a glitch closing down the lab. I had to reschedule and the earliest was Wednesday. So I won’t know my kappa numbers till probably next Monday. Kind of a bummer when I’m anxious to know how not taking Dex affected my numbers.

We’ve lined up a handyman to come and put the plumbing in the wall for the shower. Hopefully, it’ll all be good. We will need to have the water off for a few days so we will use Rubi’s shower and bathroom. I might even sleep out there.

After swimming yesterday, I went over to the Paris Bakery and bought a mini strawberry cake for my daughter’s birthday.

Wow, it was delicious.

Not too much on the docket for today. I plan on going to the Auburn gym and then to the store to have my other knives sharpened. The butcher will only sharpen 3 at a time. Plus I wanted some cottage cheese and wine for the week.

I need to go into the new Costco this week to get coffee. We always buy Starbucks ground for camping then bring the rest home. That bag is just about gone so that needs to get done. I need to check my list and see what else we need but right now I can’t think of things, maybe some English muffins or?? Fruit?

Friday Things

I’ve put away all the Hanukkha stuff and cleared the table. I still need to clean the menorah of some beeswax that dripped. I actually had enough candles for all 8 nights.

I didn’t walk this morning because I woke up at 2 am and never went back to sleep and that’s after taking an Ativan at 9pm. So I feel pretty wiped out.

Yesterday’s appt went well and we decided after this cycle I’ll go to once-a-month maintenance. Because I’m having such an immediate response he feels once a month should keep my numbers in the normal range. I felt he was looking more at taking a break from it but I feel I’m past that now and don’t want to have to start and stop again if I can help it. I don’t know how long Velcade will work but I think once a month is the best option right now.

After that, B and I went to the new Paris Bakery in Roseville and had yummy croissants and coffee. It’s very noisy in there and next time I think we’d take our stuff to go. It’s the acoustics I guess.

Frugal-wise, the only shopping was Costco for those vitamins for my daughter. She needs to supplement her vitamin D intake. She’s also had an auto-immune flare-up with a pretty bad rash so the doctor has her on prednisone and is testing if she is gluten intolerant. So far, 2 weeks now, she hasn’t had gluten but I haven’t seen that much change in her rash But the doctor said it did look like a gluten rash on one arm. So, better to know than not. Fortunately, this is her month’s break from the library so she has time to adjust.

Saturday, after swimming, I do plan to go to Winco for the lasagna stuff. I looked up a lasagna recipe using zucchini strips so I’ll do that too. Pretty easy overall to swap stuff out to replace wheat.

Today, I plan on prepping mushroom spinach crepes, and a spinach mushroom frittata. The crepes I plan on freezing and I’ll serve the frittata tonight. No pizza night tonight.