Frugal Friday

I had to get gas this week so that was $53 at Costco. Not too bad. The other cars, buggie and the truck are fine so I don’t need to fill them.

I’d gone over to Wino after swimming and spent about $100. Some wine and food combined.

Yesterday after infusion, I stopped at Costco and spent more than I wanted but I’m going to move some of it over to July’s budget since things like shampoo and conditioner will last months, Qtips were on sale, and they too last about 6 months if not more, mayo was on sale and I put that in the pantry so that will last months too, flour, and a bunch of other things that will definitely be more than a months grocery shop. Maybe I’ll try and separate it out if I am sitting at my desk.

All the monthly bills are done so I have July’s budget ready. The only extra this month is the truck registration and I’ll do that next week.

Our hot weather is starting again today, so I need to close the windows and curtains. It looks to be hot till Tuesday. My son was going to come tomorrow but now with that being the hottest day he may wait till next week. We need to get the floor down so we can get the sink in so it is a bit of a hold up.

Today we’re going to try and paint some if not all of the bathroom. It just depends on how our arms hold up. Getting old, huh?? I used to paint entire rooms myself. Heck, I painted the outside of the whole house once. Not anymore. I can do a wall or two and then that’s it. I think my daughter will be my backup today. šŸ™‚

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