Another Heat Wave

We had a few days of milder temperatures, but tomorrow and the next day we’re back under the heat dome. It doesn’t look like it make it to 100 but close. After that, it actually looks like nice weather in the 80’s. We’ll be in Tahoe so the temperatures won’t be too hot. Generally, it’s 20 degrees cooler. I’m sure the beaches will be packed though. Nevada Beach is very popular as is Sand Harbor.

This time I’ve packed quite a bit of food so I don’t think we’ll need to go to the store unless it’s some random item. I’m planning a few BBQ nights with Webi and then some regular rotations of mac and cheese, a rice dish, veggies, and maybe a ramen bowl night. Plus, burritos of some sort.

Our son came up yesterday and put up the shower rod thing. It seems to work nicely. He’s going to come back this weekend to help move the electrical outlet so the cabinet fits better. So it’s moving along but still, I think we’re 2 weeks out from it being done. That includes painting and flooring. My daughter mopped the floor in there and it was very grimy from the grout stuff. She also is working on washing the tiles as the grout leaves a film. I’m sure glad they’re doing it and not me.

On our way up to Tahoe, we’ll stop at Zephyr Cove to use the dump station. Since we’ve had to use Rubi’s bathroom all week we need to be sure it’s empty for camping. It costs $10 to use. B has had Rubi parked by the sunroom and it’s been VERY convenient to use. Plus there’s water right there and electricity from the studio. It’s worked out well.

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