Friday Things

Well, it was pretty bad. I didn’t think it would be that bad for Biden but it was awful. Trump was his asshole self and makeup made him seem tan or orange whichever way you look at it. But Biden just didn’t pull it off. So now, who knows which way it’ll all go. If tRump wins we are really doomed to autocracy or worse. He is a vengeful person.

Anyway, over a good week in the books. B went to Costco to pick up a few more things like coffee, Vitawater, regular water, and other basics. I’m trying to plan that we go to the new Costco more frequently and do smaller shops. I still need some brown rice and sugar and some other bulk items.

I tried to change my doctor appt but he had nothing available till August so I guess I’ll drive down. I hope eastbound traffic isn’t too bad since it’s the day before 4th of July. But it is what it is.

I paid the truck’s registration. Boy, that was steep over $400. I wonder why it’s so high? Anyway, I didn’t have the cash in an envelope so next year I’ll have one for the truck. The other cars plus Rubi, I had cash envelopes for. Overall, cash envelopes are still working well for us. I mean we don’t have much money anyway so maybe that’s why. But I am trying to get a head start with the fall annual bills because that’s when our house insurance is due and it’s not cheap. I just hope it doesn’t go up too much.

I’m still checking LLS daily for Myeloma funding but so far nada. It’s just a waiting game because at some point it’ll come up but it might be 2-3 months. So that won’t be frugal when we’re paying my insurance and Medicare. LLS covers both so that’ll be an extra amount till I get covered again.

Today is low-key, I’m finishing the steam mopping and baking a sourdough boule( it’s in the oven as I write at 6:30.) It’s still not too hot so it might be nice to cook something on the grill. Next week looks brutal with the heat. There goes our PGE bill skyrocketing. That’s not going to be frugal for sure.

I might go into town to the bookstore but I’ll see how I feel. I did finish all my books so…?

The 4th of July looks too hot to BBQ so it’ll need to be done either early in the day or figure something else out. I could do some salads and cook some burgers early and then just reheat later. I guess I’ll think about it later. If my son comes up we could get sandwiches from the store.

I should’ve named this post, Unfrugal Friday. Oh well.

2 thoughts on “Friday Things

  1. I have lots of thoughts on that flipping debate. First, I don’t know who did the prepping, but we need someone about 50 years younger to work with him. Second, who did that ghost rising from the grave make up job? Third, the worst: his resting “ga-ga” face with his mouth open. I know he had a cold. But they should have practiced a mild laugh in your face look at those lies or a “are you kidding me look” , not a drooling senile look. JC After a sleepless night, I decided some idiot had also pumped him full of antihistamines. He perked up after the debate and the next days. What a freaking horrible way to blow it.

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