Friday Things

I’ve put away all the Hanukkha stuff and cleared the table. I still need to clean the menorah of some beeswax that dripped. I actually had enough candles for all 8 nights.

I didn’t walk this morning because I woke up at 2 am and never went back to sleep and that’s after taking an Ativan at 9pm. So I feel pretty wiped out.

Yesterday’s appt went well and we decided after this cycle I’ll go to once-a-month maintenance. Because I’m having such an immediate response he feels once a month should keep my numbers in the normal range. I felt he was looking more at taking a break from it but I feel I’m past that now and don’t want to have to start and stop again if I can help it. I don’t know how long Velcade will work but I think once a month is the best option right now.

After that, B and I went to the new Paris Bakery in Roseville and had yummy croissants and coffee. It’s very noisy in there and next time I think we’d take our stuff to go. It’s the acoustics I guess.

Frugal-wise, the only shopping was Costco for those vitamins for my daughter. She needs to supplement her vitamin D intake. She’s also had an auto-immune flare-up with a pretty bad rash so the doctor has her on prednisone and is testing if she is gluten intolerant. So far, 2 weeks now, she hasn’t had gluten but I haven’t seen that much change in her rash But the doctor said it did look like a gluten rash on one arm. So, better to know than not. Fortunately, this is her month’s break from the library so she has time to adjust.

Saturday, after swimming, I do plan to go to Winco for the lasagna stuff. I looked up a lasagna recipe using zucchini strips so I’ll do that too. Pretty easy overall to swap stuff out to replace wheat.

Today, I plan on prepping mushroom spinach crepes, and a spinach mushroom frittata. The crepes I plan on freezing and I’ll serve the frittata tonight. No pizza night tonight.