Almost back to normal

I am feeling much better and actually plan to go swimming today. The cold was mostly in my sinuses and didn’t go into a chest thing. I’m grateful for that. My eyes bothered me because they were watering so much but that’s been happening anyway and I think it’s a dex side effect. Still, I’m glad it was all relatively short-lived.

Tomorrow I have my Velcade but won’t be taking dex. I figure if I do 2 rounds of Velcade and my numbers are increasing I’ll need to add dex back in but at least for 2 months I’ll get a break. I guess it’s the luck of the draw.

Yesterday, I picked up my yarn at Joannes and then went to Trader Joe’s. I wanted some new cotton yarn for my millionth washcloth.:) Really, I just like knitting as it is meditative.

Meals have just been whatever is easiest to put together. I do plan on a BBQ tonight because I have a tri-tip from TJ’s to use. It’s one of the ones that comes all seasoned. I have a veggie burger for B and I’ll make a salad to go with it all. At TJ’s I picked up a few ready frozen meals for camping. One is the gnocchi cacio de pepe. That should be tasty. I might do a soup night and maybe a spaghetti night. We do keep it pretty simple when we’re camping. We plan on leaving later on Monday as we’re not sure if all the campgrounds are cracking down on early arrivals. We usually get there at 12:30 and we’ve always been allowed access but after New Brighton, we figure if we get there @ 1:30 then we’ll know. Either they’ll let us in or say no it’s 2pm. I’m guessing that the early arrivals were abused by people and now it’s something they have to deal with. Who knows?

In other news, we’ve had zero luck finding a plumber. I think because it’s such a small job it’s not worth their time. We’re still checking and I guess maybe B will have to watch some YouTube plumbing videos. 🙂

One thought on “Almost back to normal

  1. it can be so hard to find service people but if it is a small job consider looking for a handyman with those skills as that has worked for us

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