Thankful Thursday and Frugal Friday on Saturday

It was a rough couple of days prepping for the colonoscopy. My last meal was 6:30 on Wednesday and then I didn’t eat again till Friday at almost 2pm.

I am VERY grateful it is over and nothing serious came up. I had 2 polyps which was fantastic and I guess they were small. I think they still do pathology because they are polyps but I’m not worried. The worst was being so bored on Thursday, having no energy to do anything and then taking the first prep at 6pm. Then the next worst was getting up to go into the bathroom 5 thousand times. We only have one bathroom so I felt bad for everyone else.

I am grateful though, I slept ok that night. The next morning the prep was at 5:30 am and wasn’t quite as intense. Then no water after 7:30 so that was tough too.

I’m grateful for the nurses and the doctor. He’s the one who did the last one.

The frugalness was not spending any money or even thinking about money. My brain was definitely fuzzy and unfocused. I didn’t even read just laid around.

Earlier in the week, we did a WinCo shop since I did need a few things. I think that came in around$100. Katy from the Non-Consumer advocate was just blogging about the prices at Winco and how great they are. I agreed and we are lucky that our Winco is in a nice area and not too sketchy. I don’t think I’d shop there at 10pm but overall in the mornings, it’s nice.

Today is a home day although I wanted to go to the farmers market, I decided to do stuff around the house and then do a meal plan for the week.

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and my kids are planning to do a BBQ for me. That’ll be nice. My son is in the process of moving out so he’ll use B’s truck again to move a few more things. He’s still planning on working from here next week as his internet isn’t hooked up yet. I think in the future he’ll spend a few nights here too as he’ll need to go into the Auburn office 2 days a week.

Our weather is just beautiful. Yesterday, for dinner, we used the Weber for the first time and ate outside. It was in the low 80’s. Today looks the same.

We walked a bit earlier and I think tomorrow we will try to get there maybe 10 minutes earlier. My eyes are very light sensitive which is one reason I walk early.