Monday Musings

I’m baking another loaf of the Lost Dutchman’s sourdough. The baguette came out wonderful. This one is probably overinflated so it may not poof up. That’s okay. I have lots of starter and it’s really active. It did take almost 4 days to get fully active again so that’s something to keep in mind.

Today I’m meeting my library friends for coffee. One is recently widowed( from myeloma) and the other’s husband is in treatment for myeloma. Very strange.

This week is Velcade so that shifts how my week goes. And then in May, I have my colonoscopy. So that will change my week for sure. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Or, the fun of getting older. 😦

On the menu this week is

  • white bean soup with homemade bread ( the beans are Marcella from Rancho Gordo
  • grilled chicken/veggie burger with potato salad
  • falafels in pita bread or just tortillas if I don’t get to Trader Joes.
  • pesto ( from last summer) pasta and a salad of some sort
  • pizza night(maybe a frozen one if I’m lazy)
  • grilled shrimp with some rice or pasta
  • ?? something from the freezer or??

We’ve been eating out on the patio which we do all summer. Right now the weather is perfect.

I repotted a fiddle leaf fig yesterday, hoping it will spur it on to put out some new leaves. Does anyone have tips for that? I bought this large fiddle leaf from the nursery but it hasn’t put out any new growth at all.